The small treasure of the accompanying warning, escort for the night traveler!

One thing to keep in mind when traveling at night is how to make yourself visible to others. Especially in dimly lit environments such as intersections, it is easy to create visual blind spots that can lead to accidents.

Therefore, night travel warning life-saving small treasure is essential. Senken concept of the new JD-SK07 shoulder light, lightweight and portable and bright warning in one, to do with the traveling, mobile warning, can effectively remind the passing vehicles, personnel attention, escort for night travelers.

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Compact and portable

The overall weight with clip is only ≤50g, hanging on the shoulder, chest, backpack and other locations, will not bring a burden, lightweight and portable.

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Red and blue warning flash, comprehensive warning

Inside the use of multiple high-power high-brightness red and blue LED as the main light source, evenly distributed around, coupled with the periphery of the transparent shell design, highlighting the light effect, to achieve 360 ° omni-directional warning, visual distance can be ≥ 800 meters, the effect of eye-catching, the use of the night can locate their own position as well as that of their teammates, to increase the sense of security.

White light illumination, nighttime assistance

With 2 high-performance white LEDs on the top, it can meet the use of night illumination, and can also be convenient for checking information and other close-range illumination, freeing your hands.

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Multiple Modes, Tap Sensor

In order to meet the actual use of demand, adapt to a variety of environments, the whole light adopts a total of 4 working modes, lightly press the main function key can be switched, you can also tap the sensor to switch modes, the operation is more simple, the experience is more comfortable.

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360° rotation, change as you wish

The standard back clip can be rotated 360° according to the actual use of the situation, to meet the needs of different angles of use.

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Powerful battery life without fear of time

Charge for 3 hours, longer life. Single-row blinking ≥26h, double-row blinking ≥13h, white light illumination ≥8h, no fear of long time use challenge.

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High strength protection, quality assurance

Adopting reinforced + waterproof design, compact structure, fall-proof and shock-resistant, with protection level up to IP65, even in rainy and foggy days, it can be highly bright and penetrating.

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JD-SK07 shoulder light, carry with you

Red and blue warning, mobile police lights

Can escort the safety of police officers on duty

Can also give the people a greater sense of security

Simple but not simple, arrangement~

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